Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Fall-out of the Maher crush

The Egyptian foreign minister visited Israel. On invitation from the Israeli government. After talking to his Israeli colleagues, he also visited "Islam's 3rd most holy site" (in reality, there really are only two). Anyway, after visiting he was assaulted by angry Arabs. Apparently they just get angry at anyone who even talks to an Israeli, even if it is on their behalf.

So of course the BBC discovered that, surprise surprise, it was THE JEWS' fault that the Arabs attacked their own!
"Now the political post mortem will begin. Why, for example, did the Israeli authorities let Mr Maher visit a site as sensitive as Jerusalem's al-Aqsa Mosque, just hours after presenting him to television cameras as a newly-restored friend of Israel and following a series of high profile meetings with their president, prime minister and foreign minister?"
Read it all here.
And silly me thought it was "sensitive" only if a Jew dared to "tresspass"...

The BBC (AKA Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation) sucks in a major way.


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