Thursday, January 15, 2004

Arab father speaks up when sons are killed

It seems as if this man, who lost one son (who did nothing but watch others throw stones and then threaten to attack, of course) to Israeli gunfire, and then another as he blew up himself and no one else is angry at the people sending his second son to his death. But he is not. He is angry because THE REASONS FOR SENDING HIM IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE were wrong, and they should have been more considerate to his grief and general state of mind.

Fuck him. I only dread the fact he's got four more kids to sacrifice.


I was right. The father is angry at whoever sent his son, because THE "MISSION" HAD NO CHANCE OF SUCCES, and "Those who sent him did not care about the prospects of him succeeding or failing, and they knew that death would be his fate."

I have news for you, fuckwit: DEATH WOULD HAVE BEEN HIS FATE REGARDLESS. HE CHOSE IT. What the shitheel means is: "I don't mind them sending my son to die, but he should at least take some Jews with him. Then it's alright".


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