Monday, May 24, 2004

Please please please...

Someone, ANYONE - Shoot Colin Powell!

This sick fuck never ceases to disgust me. The US State Department has a real champ running it this time. I do hope Dubya drops him like the turd he is in his second term.

Best friends with the terrorist bosses, who are not terrorists even when they murder children, because "it may well be political". Murderers become freedom fighters.

If that would hold up for me, I would love to become a freedom fighter by shooting him in the head. For now I'll just use words...

Excerpt: 'It seems that State Department spokesman Richard Boucher feels that the Arabs are murdering us daily, merely to resolve political issues.

And the U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell seems to agree. He said in the fall of 2001 that Palestinian terrorists might just be "freedom fighters." Although Bin Laden's Al-Qaida is clearly a terrorist group, said Powell before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Palestinian groups allegedly lie in "gray areas", areas "that might need to be treated politically." Speaking of Palestinian organizations that regularly target and murder Israeli schoolchildren, Powell instructed the Committee that this is a domain where "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

Is Colin Powell an enemy of the Jewish State? He certainly is not a friend.

Last Saturday, Powell met with the Palestinian leadership in Jordan. He told reporters that he was pleased to have a "constructive talk" with Palestinian premier Ahmed Queri, along with "my colleague Nabil Shaath and so many other of my good friends from the Palestinian Authority."'

Read it all.


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