Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Religion of throat- and headcutting

The indispensable MEMRI has a translation of an interview of one of the Khobar attack in Saudi, where 22 people (official count, but who knows?) were killed.
Some excerpts:

"We entered one of the companies' [offices], and found there an American infidel who looked like a director of one of the companies. I went into his office and called him. When he turned to me, I shot him in the head, and his head exploded. We entered another office and found one infidel from South Africa, and our brother Hussein slit his throat. We asked Allah to accept [these acts of devotion] from us, and from him. This was the South African infidel.

We went out from the company [offices] and found our brother, Nimr the hero, standing at the entrance to the company and guarding us, drinking a little water as though he were on a hike. [He acted this way] because of his great courage – may Allah have mercy on him."

Or this:

"At the same time, we found a Swedish infidel. Brother Nimr cut off his head, and put it at the gate [of the building] so that it would be seen by all those entering and exiting."

This is great:

"He [the Italian] spoke for several minutes. I asked the broadcaster, 'Did you record that?' He said, 'Yes,' and then the hero Nimr cut his throat."

Sawt Al-Jihad (THE INTERVIEWER): "We ask Allah to accept this offering from your hands. What happened then?"

Imagine that. Running through buildings, armed to the teeth, with your mates, viciously killing anyone that is unarmed and may not be Muslim. What fun! And you even get to score credit with an imaginary demented deity called Allah.

How can you go wrong?

But again I ask: How oppressed and desperate were these people? In fact, how bad was it for Muhammad himself (he would have loved an AK-47, as he would have loved this).


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