Sunday, October 31, 2004

Controversial EU choice steps down

The following doesn't have anything to do with Israel, in a direct sense. It just shows how much the Leftist agenda dominates the EU. And Leftist these days means it is to be feared by Israel.

The Italian Christian-democratic candidate for the new European Commission, who among other things said homosexuality is a sin,
is stepping down, after it became clear that a new EU commission with this man aboard would not be approved by the European Parliament, dominated by Socialists.

Freedom of speech apparently is a right only available to the Left. To the politically correct.

Saying homosexuality is a sin is clearly hateful and therefore unacceptable to a lot of people.

Saying homosexuality is ok and fine however, is equally repulsive to some others. Why is it ok to say the latter, but not the former?


Blogger Lioness said...

You can't be serious.

7:50 PM  
Blogger Unbelonger said...

Oh but I am. I happen to disagree with the man, but why can't he say what he thinks? Why can only certain people and groups (AND THEY'RE ALWAYS THE SAME ONES) say whatever they want?

8:36 PM  

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