Saturday, October 16, 2004

THIS is why the US is no friend of Israel

Count on Gary Fitleberg to cut to the chase. I've said here many times the US is no friend of the Jews. I've also shown why they are not. But even without going into the deeper causes, you can judge by the actions taken.
Bear in mind that George Bush made a campaign promise in his last election that he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, which he has failed to do utilizing the excuse and/or exclusion provision he invokes "in the interest of national security" each time the issue comes up.

In his famous speech about the "war on terrorism", Bush decided that Israel needed to create an Arab "Palestinian" state (the second one, as the first already exists: Jordan, formerly Transjordan, according the British Mandate), thereby showing he succumbs to Arab-Islamist oil and terrorism.

Bush and his US State Department (some may quip, "US Hate Israel Department") have clearly demonstrated evidence of bias against Israel in favor of Arab/Islamist corrupt dictatorships, human rights violators, ruthless repressive regimes and tyrannies. One only need cite the alliance with Saudi Arabia, the home of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and fourteen of nineteen hijackers who toppled the two World Trade Center buildings and left their mark on our Pentagon building, as well as on the conscience of America and Western civilization.

Bush opposed Israel's security fence throughout 2003, threatening Israel's loan guarantees, and then suddenly supported it - coincidentally, at the start of the election year.

The same goes for unilateral separation. Prior to 2004, Bush refused to call Yasser Arafat a terrorist and insisted he remain the negotiating partner. A former political officer at the Israeli Embassy in Washington noted ruefully that Bush is the reason Arafat is still around.
None of this is subject to discussion. For example, the US embassy is NOT located in Jeruzalem, as he PROMISED it would be. What exactly is holding Bush back? The wrath of Egypt? Or Iran?

Of course, the alternative, as Fitle points out, is worse.
Kerry once called "Chairman of Terror" Yasser Arafat a "statesman", believe it or not.

John Kerry has openly stated that he seeks to build a stronger relationship with the United Nations [Against Israel], which is controlled and dominated by the Arab/Islamist nations.

Syria was Chair of the Security Council. Libya was Chair of the Human Rights Committee. The UN has passed over half of its 700-plus resolutions against the only little Jewish State of Israel, but has not rebuked one Arab/Islamist corrupt dictatorship, human rights violator, ruthless repressive regime, state sponsor of terrorism, or tyranny.

Why? Why not? They run the show.

The United Nations is an Arab/Islamist, racist, bankrupt organization, both morally and politically, and can not be an honest "peace broker" in its role as one of the "Road Map" promoters and "Quartet" members. It is an organization that created a world stage for a perpetual political propaganda ploy of the fictional "Palestine" nation and "Palestinian" people, by bringing the internal case of Israel's building a security barrier and separation fence against terrorism before the International Court of Justice (or, Injustice). It is an organization that routinely vents anti-Israel sentiments, and anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist statements in its various committees and subsidiaries.

And if that is not enough of a concern, Kerry seeks an alliance with France "to build a stronger coalition and unity" in a desperate attempt at nation-building. France is one hotbed of anti-Semitism, and about as anti-American and pro-Arab as they come. France consistently creates more hostility towards Israel and the Jewish people than Germany, for example, and is a leading force in the EU, another disreputable member of the "Quartet" attempting to dictate policy to Israel.

It is no wonder why the Muslim community backs and supports Kerry.
One of the two WILL be elected in a few weeks. Bush is bad news for Israel. But he's the best president the US has had for a long time, as far as the Jewish state is concerned, no matter how sad that fact actually is.
And Kerry? Kerry can't even get himself to say the word 'Israel' out loud. Kerry will make Jimmy Carter look Ben-Gurion. THAT is how bad Kerry will be for Israel.


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