Monday, October 25, 2004

US Presbyterian Church embarassed

In this post, a delegation from the US Presbyterian Church is shown to kiss Hezbollah ass. When the Church leadership discovers this, it calls the visit of the Advisory committee with Hezbollah member "misguided at best". The comments attributed to the Presbyterians are "reprehensible". An example of some of these statements:
“As an elder of our church, I’d like to say that according to my recent experience, relations and conversations with Islamic leaders are a lot easier than dealings and dialogue with Jewish leaders.”
They call the words reprehensible. They asked the committee to drop the visit.

A lot of nice words.

They subsequently proceed to demonstrate why the Advisory committee felt they could 'score' by visiting Hezbollah. Clearly, apart from
their divestment campaign, the Presbyterian Church has made its position clear vis-a-vis Israel and the Arabs:
Even when we identify and condemn the occupation as another key source of violence and lack of peace, we in no way condone the terrorism of groups such as Hezbollah, or of individuals or other actors in the region.
They cannot help themselves. There is ALWAYS a qualification. They 'identify' the 'occupation' as a 'key source of violence and lack of peace'.

This is what the Christian Church has been doing for close to two thousand years now. Blaming the Jews, condemning. But denying any culpability when their minions finally act on what they've been told for all those ages.

Read what seems to be
intended as an apology by the US Presbyterian Church.

It must be so nice for them to finally, after sixty years or so, have something to again beat the Jews over the head with.


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