Friday, November 12, 2004

At least his poor widow is well taken care of.

IMRA reports that Arafat's grieving widow, who apparently has the power to hold the dead in limbo forever if she so chose, will not have to worry too much about whether she'll have anything to eat tomorrow.

In fact, she could probably feed all of Paris if she wanted to. Or her 'own people' (nah, that would be silly!)
Yasser Arafat's widow, Suha, is expected to receive a sum of $22 million a year out of the Palestinian Authority budget, according to the Italian newspaper Corriere De La Serra.

[The newspaper] said Abbas personally promised Suha that she would receive $22 million a year to cover her expenses in Paris. The paper noted that in July Arafat transferred to his wife $11 million to cover her living costs for the first six months of the year.

Abbas and the Palestinian leadership were forced to strike the deal with Suha after she refused to allow them to visit her husband in hospital.
No matter that Arafat was starting to smell a bit after being dead for a week. No matter that she's been living like a queen in Paris while she let 'her people' rot, or let the international community pick up the tab through UNRWA and the other 18 UN agencies and bodies. After all, she has a child to take care of!

In hindsight, these two degenerates made a perfect pair. A match made in heaven.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the media are trying to cover up the REAL scoop: the cause of Arafat's death. Poison? Nope. Old age? Close, but no cigar. What "mystery disease" could it be that no one wants to talk about?

Let me just drop one hint: at his funeral, the appropriate dirge should sound like this - to disco music:

"Macho, macho man! I want to be a macho man..."

It should not be an occasion of only "Arab" Pride, nudge nudge, wink wink...

11:26 AM  
Blogger Unbelonger said...

You may be on to something here: After all, he hadn't seen his wife in years, and she's butt-ugly to begin with. Or worse, she wasn't always a woman... More of a man than Arafat ever was!

11:39 AM  

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