Sunday, June 06, 2004

The UN: Will they ever stop?

Of course the answer to that rhetorical question is a big resounding No. It took a world war for the League of Nations to be founded, and another for it to be dissolved. It was an unequivocal failure. And what did it dissolve into? That's right, the United Nations. Things went downhill from there.

The idea behind the UN is simpel and nice: Let all countries on Earth come together and work out all issues in a civilized manner.

Of course, the idea was made up by people actually able and willing to work stuff out in a way other than war. WW1 (thought to be the war to end all wars) made people think, A LOT. So the League of Nations came about. It didn't work, WW2 happened, and it was tried again, hence the UN.

What any sane person could have predicted did of course happen. Let just anyone in regardless, and you have an organization that is meaningless and powerless at best, and a hindrance and menace to peace at worst.
When you attempt to talk and negotiate with countries like Iran, China, N-Korea and dozens and dozens of similar countries, you are a fool. And that is what the UN has become: An organization of useful idiots and their puppetmasters.

I dare anyone to show me what good the UN has done since it recognized Israel (for the record, that was 56 years ago). And while I'm waiting, here's a shortlist of glarings misconduct by that same UN, a list that concerns only Israel and is only meant to show that the UN is an actual party in the Israeli-Arab conflict, and not "just" a biased broker, a prejudiced mediator.

Abuse of UN ambulances by terrorists (Or was it abuse? UNRWA is made up almost entirely of Arab Palestinians).

Oops! Got caught, now shifting blame: UN relief agency calls for respect of its ambulance services after incident in Gaza

'The U.N. Human Rights Commission (it really takes a lot of self-control not to put facetious quotation marks around all U.N. titles) now includes Zimbabwe, China, Ukraine, Algeria, Bahrain, Congo, Libya, Sudan, Russia, Syria, Uganda and Vietnam – all strongholds of civil liberty. This April, the commission passed a pro-terrorist resolution condoning "all available means, including armed struggle" to establish a Palestinian state. Six European Union members joined the 57 nations of the Islamic Conference in legitimizing suicide bombers.'Go here for incontrovertible evidence of the UN's war against Israel.

You think it couldn't get much worse? Aiding/abetting Hezbollah

I'm not in favour of another World War (although I do think a point can be made we are already IN one...) just to end the UN. But it would be worth a lot to get rid of this catalyst for cancer in global relations. Show me some good the UN has done. Even if you can (and I dare you), I'll show you ten wrongs for every one right.


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