Trimmed Beards and Western Clothes - and hatred
Daniel Pipes has the following entry in his blog. It links to this piece about a group called "Hizb ut-Tahrir (Liberation Party)".
Scores of young men like him moved to Pakistan mainly from Britain and the United States to work for the Islamic cause.This has become something of a theme for me lately: Where does Islamic extremism originate from? What causes men such as described above to strive for a society that constricts human beings in every conceivable way? Women even more than men? And strive in a way that knows no limitations. There are no taboos. Everything goes. And while the West gives them every oportunity to study and prosper, this just makes them hate us more.
With their trimmed beards and Western clothes, they stand in contrast to the turban and skull cap-wearing traditional followers of local Islamic parties. But their anti-West rhetoric is as radical as that of their more orthodox counterparts.
Intelligence officials say the shadowy network is taking root among educated Pakistanis and a few of its members are under surveillance. Group members include engineers, chartered accountants, computer experts and doctors.
I am interested in what drives these men. I truly am. However, a higher priority I place on killing them before they achieve their ideals. My way of life allows freedom for everyone else on this planet, as long as they let me be. Their way of life means death, both spiritual and physical for me and all my family.
So I am interested. Just not as interested as I am in seeing them dead.
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