Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Who are the anti-Semites in France?

According a report quoted in the JeruzalemPost, well, hardly anybody really. Remember the fall-out over the EU's attempt to suppress a report they had requested, because the results were not politically correct? Then, when the cover-up failed, heavy emphasis was placed on anti-Semitic incidents where the perpetrators were neo-Nazi's or similar morons.

Anyone who actually read
the report could only conclude that the vast majority of attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions has been perpetrated by Arabs/Muslims. Period.
...from the perpetrators identified or at least identifiable with some certainty, it can be concluded that the anti-Semitic incidents in the monitoring period were committed above all either by right-wing extremists or radical Islamists or young Muslims mostly of Arab descent, who are often themselves potential victims of exclusion and racism ; but also that anti-Semitic statements came from pro-Palestinian groups (see country report Italy: public discourse) as well as from politicians (see country reports Germany, Greece, Finland, Austria) and citizens from the political mainstream (see anti-Semitic letters, e-mails and phone calls in Germany as well as in other countries).
The quote above still contains a reference to 'right-wing extremists'. These are certainly hateful people. But the rest of the entire report makes it clear that (Arab) Muslims are mostly responsible, often allied with (sometimes but not always extreme) left-wing groups.

Of course, for the French, who have anywhere between six and twelve MILLION Muslims in their midst, this is unbearable. So they wrote their own report, commissioned by Interior Minister Dominique de Villepin (you remember him, he used to be the French Foreign minister, but got demoted so Chirac could save a little face with Bush).

This new French report finds that not only are Muslims not to blame for anti-Semitic incidents, neither are neo-Nazi's! No, in fact it is
Disaffected youth and marginalized individuals are more likely to perpetrate anti-Semitic attacks than those with ties to the Palestinian cause or neo-Nazi groups
Wow. They must have a lot of 'disaffected youth and marginalized individuals' in France. And the fact that about twelve procent of France's population consists of Muslims is just a stunning coincidence.


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