Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Repeat after me: The US is not our friend, The US is not...

It must seem very ungrateful of me to say the US is not a friend of Israel. After all, even today they're stopping the UN SC from adopting another outrageously biased resolution. So I do need to qualify the statement somewhat.
Most American citizens have positive feelings towards Israel. If they had anything to say about it, Israel would fare a lot better than it actually does today.

But Average Joe is not in charge. The US State department is.

And the US State department has been an outright enemy of Israel since before its inception. Please read
"The Secret War Against The Jews" before even attempting to dispute the point.

But even if you never read this book, look at what goes on between the US and Saudi, and between
the US and Egypt. Ever since Egypt and Israel signed the Camp David accords, Egypt's been receiveing more than two BILLION US dollars annually. Since September 11th, this amount has been augmented with further gifts or rewards for Egypt's 'staunch support' in the war on terror.

Well over 50 BILLION US DOLLARS so far.

Much of this support takes the form of weapons. The US has nothing to gain from giving Egypt weapons, but spending US tax dollars on US weaponry, to give to Egypt is nice for General Electric, Boeing, and all the other companies that make the weapons. So far so good. The US tax payer I should say then - has nothing to gain from giving Egypt billions of dollars worth of weapons. And the US has little to lose.

But Israel has EVERYTHING to lose.
Egypt today is a nation of some 70 million, with a huge standing army of about 440,000 plus reserves. After the 1978 peace agreement with Israel, Egypt embarked on a decades-long program of military buildup - this time with the top-of-the-line American weapons. They are building their army and equipment to match and even to surpass Israeli capabilities, thanks to U.S. aid. Their training exercises are all aimed at fighting a future war against Israel. Their populace and military remain indoctrinated with extreme hatred against Israel and against Jews.
It's not like Egypt hasn't done this before. Egypt went to war against Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. And when it wasn't actively engaged in war, it fought one by proxy, letting the 'Palestinians' do the murdering and dying.
Suppose Israel came under coordinated attack from Iran, Syria, Hezb'Allah, Hamas and Arafat’s Palestinian Authority - comprising a major threat. Then what would prevent Egypt from seizing the opportunity to join in that war? In 1967 Jordan attacked Israel with U.S.-supplied tanks in violation of U.S. assurances that they were only for defense. Jordan was not punished, but rather received replacements from America for those tanks lost to Israel. In like manner, there is no U.S. guarantee that Egypt would refrain from an unprovoked attack and Egypt’s own experience suggests that there would be no tangible U.S. opposition and Israel would be on her own. Our ongoing arming of Egypt, to the point where it can seriously threaten Israel while it remains hostile and in gross violation of its peace treaty, needs some explanation.
I gave the explanation, although I'm sure it is not news to ms Neuwirth. It is just too painful to face for many people.
Egypt is being armed by America far in excess of its legitimate defense needs and toward a growing offensive capability. Israel must now divert more of its limited resources to defending yet another border against a huge and powerful enemy. Israel is a country of only 5.5 million Jews, and they must defend against other implacable enemies in the region, totaling many times their size, and with some (Jordan and Saudi Arabia and not counting the Arab Gulf states) being armed with U.S.-supplied weapons.

Another reason Egypt prefers not to help us is that Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian dictator, might feel threatened by the emergence of a free and democratic Iraq in the region. It might give ideas to his own oppressed and exploited masses. He is busy grooming his son to become the next dictator over Egypt. And he won his last ‘election’ by some 99% of the vote. Of course he was the only candidate running! So, thanks to American indulgence, he is free to threaten Israel, arm the Palestinian terrorists and in general undermines U.S. attempts to democratize the Middle East.
And as long as US business interests dominate the foreign policy of the US, this will not change. There's no indication that it ever will. It's been like this for more than a century now, and the clique that dominates Foggy Bottom is as strong as ever. Please read the entire article, it is important stuff, if a bit sickening to ingest.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: Israel needs to rely on itself, and on NO ONE else.


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