Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Arafat Gone, but still with us in spirit

The filth is dead. But continues to spew forth from the official broadcasting channels of PA TV.
In a recent broadcast, the mother of an Arab suicide terrorist talks about how she and other mothers in her position consider their sons’ Shahada death as a joyful event, similar to a wedding. The following is an excerpt from the PATV's Nov. 17th broadcast:

Moderator: "They [Israelis] accuse the Palestinian mother of hating her sons and encouraging them to die. This is what we hear from Israelis. Is this true?

Mother Um Al-Ajrami: "No, we do not encourage our sons to die. We encourage them to Shahada [martyrdom] for the homeland, for Allah… We [mothers of Shahids] don't say to the mothers of the [new] Shahids, 'We have come to comfort you’, but rather, 'We have come to bless you on the wedding of your son, on the Shahada of your son. Congratulations to you on the Shahada... ' For us, the mourning is joyous. We give out drinks, we give out sweets. Praise to God -- the mourning is a joyous occasion."
The more things change, the more they stay the same.


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