Friday, June 18, 2004

BBC forgets scare quotes - Again!

Arafat offers refugee guarantee
This is not the part where I expected the BBC to add their copywrited scare quotes: An offer by Arafat would be too obvious a target (Do you know how you can tell he's lying? It's even easier than with other people: His lips move (and we all know they move a lot!)

No, this is where I would add the quotes: '...the Palestinian leader would not say how many refugees should be allowed to return to "their homes" in Israel.'

"Their homes". We're talking here about 3rd generation offspring of people who for the vast majority left their homes of their own free will! With the (illusory as it turned out) certainty they'd return in no time at all, with the homes of murdered or chased-away Jews as the spoils.

The "Palestinians" are the only "refugees" in the world who are now in their 3rd generation . They are the only "refugees" in the world who have their own private UN organization. They are the only "refugees" in the world who can boast "brothers" in 22 nations, yet for nearly 60 years now, there's been nowhere for them to go...

At the time of the creation of the Arab Palestinian refugee problem, about the same number of Jews were deported or forced to feel from their homes in the various Arab countries. These people were absorbed into Israel in a matter of a few years.

Strange that, huh? Why, it's almost as if the Arabs don't want their hapless refugee "brothers" to be happy, if need be in Jordan, or Egypt, or Syria, or Iraq, or... Well, you get the picture.

Thx BBC, for agreeing with the man more responsible for murdering Jews than anyone else since 1945. Thx alot.


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