Saturday, June 26, 2004

Don't make him a life prisoner?

Haaretz can be regarded the Israeli equivalent of the BBC. And we all know what THAT means.
The following editorial argues in favour of releasing Arafat from his de facto prison in Ramallah. Why?

Because 'Israel should not be looking to stir up emotions that are already inflamed between itself and the Palestinian Authority.'

Because 'The statement (ed: That Arafat should stay there another 45 years) constitutes a blatant insult to the Palestinians' feelings'

Because 'What interest does Israel have in becoming an international punching bag, should the Palestinian leader die under the oppressive siege the IDF has imposed on him at the prime minister's order?'

Mind you, this is not Marwan Barghouti or Osama Bin Laden who wrote this. No, this is an Israeli. A Jew.

So is this for real? 'Stirring up emotions between itself and the PA'? Is this unbelievable or what?

'Israel BECOMING the international punching bag'? Someone please take this person to the Al Zarqawi Center for Cosmetic Surgery.

Jews like these are the absolute WORST enemy Israel has. They are a testament to the beauty of the country and state of Israel. Even sick and demented assholes like this one can just come out with crap like this and not only live, but get published.

But Israel does not need to proof its democratic and open nature in this way.

Read it if you have the stomach for it


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