Friday, June 25, 2004

Get the Arabs out of Israel

I commented recently on an article at WND, where some poll results were published about Israeli awareness of the need to transfer Arabs out of Israel. Well, the need for such action is taking on ever greater proportions. Arutz 7 has the following article on the attempted kidnapping of Yeshiva students. The attempt failed, and the motive remains unknown. But the students were certainly not about to be invited to a party. Unless it was a Nick Berg style one.

Israel is Arab-infested. Arabs will be happier in their natural habitat, among their fellow throatcutters and honourkillers.

Transfer them to their original environment.

UPDATE: A full 63.7% believe in what is known as transfer

It used to be only 'fringe' elements in Israeli society that prefessed such points of view. This is what decades of Arab terrorism has achieved for them: Quote: '45.3% even favor eliminating Israeli-Arab rights to be elected to the Knesset and to participate in elections.' (Most people don't realize this, but Arabs in Israel have what they have nowhere else in the Middle-East: The right to vote, and serve in an actual, function parliament.

If only the Israeli Arabs would stand up and be counted among the Human Beings, instead of silently massing with the Psychopaths.


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