Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Anne Bayefsky knows the UN

This subject bears repeating. Until the UN is disbanded. And ms Bayefsky explains better than anyone why this is so.
...what values does the U.N. promote? To name a few, the U.N.'s primary human-rights body, the Commission on Human Rights, includes such role models as China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Zimbabwe. Not surprisingly, of 86 separate votes held at the 2004 Commission, the U.S. was in the minority 85 percent of the time. Reports estimate that more than two million people have been killed in Sudan over two decades of conflict, 70,000 have been murdered in the Darfur region since March, and another 1.6 million persons are currently displaced. But there has been no U.N. General Assembly emergency session on Sudan, just as there wasn't for Rwanda or the former Yugoslavia. That's because the Assembly's emergency sessions are reserved for denouncing Israel, the "tenth" emergency session having now been "reconvened" 13 times in the past seven years. Instead, the U.N. has sent a commission of inquiry to Sudan to "determine whether or not acts of genocide have occurred or are still occurring" and to report in three months. Zhila Izadi, a 13-year-old Iranian girl, is currently under a sentence of death by stoning for the crime of being raped and impregnated by her brother. But the U.N. response to a criminal "justice" system that stones, amputates limbs, and publicly hangs children was to abolish the post of U.N. investigator of human-rights violations in Iran in April 2002. So much for values.
I would think the UN is a vile, despicable entity even if Israel was NOT its prime (if not indeed its SOLE) subject of condemnations, boycots, and resolutions. But as is clear from the quote above, the UN as an entity really has nothing better to do than harass the Jewish nation. Of course, the UN is not a homogenous club. It's 'democratic' nature ensures that dictatorships and other totalitarian countries decide what gets passed in the General Assembly and what does not. The revolting discrepancy that ms Bayefsky cites between the handling of the crisis in Sudan and the treatment of Israel should be enough for any sane person to conclude the UN is a monster whose time has long come and gone.

Ruled by a corrupt opportunist, openly interfering in the US elections, allowing the most dangerous countries on earth to aquire nuclear weapons while harassing Israel for its alledged posession. The UN has truly become an abomination.

Please read it all.


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