Monday, November 08, 2004

For the record

The man who murdered Theo van Gogh was born in the Netherlands to parents of Moroccan nationality. He went to school and finished the second-highest form of high school. He has complete command of Dutch, both spoken and written. He had every opportunity in Dutch society at his disposal.Until the death of is mother, two years ago, he seemed normal, soft-spoken even. If any Dutchman of foreign descent could have 'fitted in', it was Mohammed Bouyeri.

Some sources now try to paint a picture in which it was the death of his mother that somehow radicalized this psychopath.
Bouyeri is the eldest of nine children. Dutch press accounts described him as "soft-spoken" and "nice" until his mother died several years ago. Bouyeri then grew a beard, began wearing traditional Moroccan robes and started attending the El-Tawheed mosque in Amsterdam, known for its radical preachings.
First of all, why don't all 24-year olds turn radical, then homicidal when their mother dies?

But most of all, any psychologist will tell you that the seed of such an act is sown in early youth. In this case, the seed was indoctrination with fundamentalist Islam. Which, when preached by the 'right' Imam, teaches that death is the penalty for those who ridicule or offend Muslims, or Islam in general.

I hope this finally puts to rest the myth that it is disenfranchised young (Muslim) people who are drawn to violence and murder. Too many Western Muslims with plenty of normal life opportunities have commited such barbarous acts to persist in this lie.
Dutch-born Muslims have been arrested on their way to Pakistan for Jihad-training. Others have been killed by security forces while already there.
British-born Muslims have volunteerd for the fight against Israel, and detonated themselves in public places, killing scores of Israeli's.

Disenfranchisement, desperation, lack of hope? I call it indoctrination, insanity, brought on by a religion that puts Muslims above all other humans, and Islam as the only proper type of society for the entire world.

Mohammed Bouyeri's mother may have been all that kept this ticking timebomb from exploding. But her death certainly was not the cause of his rampage.


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