Saturday, June 19, 2004

I was afraid this was gonna happen

As I predicted earlier, cutting off the heads of infidels, filming it and then boasting about it has already lost most of its media appeal. The Arab psychopaths underestimate the Western jadedness. After Big Brother this new form of Jihad TV is just a very gradual step up.

And let me tell you know that cutting off 20 heads at a time or so won't really improve your ratings either. No, you'll have to come up with something totally new. Like a portable nuke, or perhaps something chemical?

I do think it was clever to get one of your own killed just while getting rid of the body of the man you so courageously slaughtered. Ads a nice twist, and shows you are not infallible after all. Almost makes you appear human...

I weep for the family of Paul Johnson. They are in my thoughts.

UPDATE: Looks like it was the leader of the Insane Assassins that got his stupid head blown off. Oh well, it must have been fun while it lasted...

UPDATE: The BBC has this report, confirming that it was indeed Al Muqrin (or whatever the pervert's name is spelled like) who was shot and killed, as were three others of his psychopath gang.
But despite again sawing someone's head off with little more than a penknife, the BBC insists on calling them "militants" (and the quotes are mine, not theirs).

Note: Even when the BBC quotes an external authority (like a Saudi official in this case) they insist on replacing whatever the offical said (I'm 100% sure it wasn't "militant") with their preferred term. And then go on to present as a literal quote. That is no longer just bias, that is called LYING (="To convey a false image or impression").

Keep it up, BBC.


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