Friday, October 22, 2004

Peace At Any Cost

Great analysis at FrontPageMag on why the Left is intent on self-destruction.
'In a pathetic attempt to make restitution for Israeli "occupation of Arab land" in 1948, the Left wants to sacrifice Jews who have lived there since 1967. This explains why the Left clings so desperately and tenaciously to a "peace process" whether one is possible or not. Any agreement or move which leads to a Palestinian state vindicates what happened in Israel's War of Independence, legitimizes our existence and frees us from the burden of responsibility for Arab refugees.

Giving up the West Bank and Gaza means no longer having to say "I'm sorry." There would be no need to defend the Jews' moral, legal and historical rights to live in the West Bank and Gaza, or anywhere else. If Palestinians can be convinced or forced to accept a state in the West Bank and Gaza, we're off the hook. For the Left, creating a Palestinian state is doing penance. Then, they hope, Israel will be accepted by the world.'
And what are the chances of that happening?
Please read it all.


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