Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Another example of the serf mind-set

Who does the Temple Mount belong to? In fact, who does Jerusalem belong to?
According to the Jews, the Temple Mount belongs to the Arabs.
[Shmulik Ben Ruby, Jerusalem police spokesman] said the current police restrictions of only allowing small groups of about 30 to 50 non-Muslims to ascend the Temple Mount, the holiest site for Jews, will apply on the day of the scheduled gathering.
Such restrictions do not however apply to Arabs:
"We would and we do allow 10,000 Palestinians to go up," he said. "They are going up there to pray in their mosques."

He recognized Jews cannot pray on the Mount: "Yes, those are the restrictions."
And what was the cause of all this?
The Temple Mount, the area directly behind the Western Wall in Jerusalem, was opened to the general public until September 2000, when the Palestinians started their intifada by throwing stones at Jewish worshipers after then-candidate for prime minister Ariel Sharon visited the area. Following the onset of violence, the new Sharon government closed the Mount to non-Muslims, using checkpoints to control all pedestrian traffic for fear of further clashes with the Palestinians [Emphasis mine - Ed].
Good eh? An angry mob with stones, and the knowledge that any serious measures being taken to control its rioting will be broadcasted worldwide, is enough to make the Jews keep the peace, by making all the sacrifices unilaterally. IT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

Notice that it was the toothless lion Sharon of all people, who took this dhimmi-like measure.

There's nothing wrong with taking the Arabs' needs into consideration. It's not very hard to do a better job at that than the Arabs do for non-Muslims in Mekka.
But making yourself a second-class citizen in your very own country is ridiculous. And very counterproductive. It reinforces the Arab belief that if they make enough trouble, they'll get their way. So far, the Jews are proving them right.


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