Sunday, July 04, 2004

US Muslims pray for hostage

The family of American Marine Wassef Ali Hassoun, held hostage in Iraq, has appealed for his release on the grounds that he is Muslim.

Quote: 'He says his friend was wrong to join the Marines and fight in Muslim countries, but he also believes his friend's captors are sinning against Islam.

"To hold another Muslim hostage and threaten to kill him is obviously wrong. You can't kill another Muslim unless there is a just cause," he said.'

Implying that you cannot fight for a good cause IF the bad guys in that cause happen to be Muslims, and you are a Muslim also.

Implying that you CAN indeed kill non-Muslims without just cause.

Not really news. But good to have that straight out.

Quote: 'You can sense the strain of being a Muslim in America today.'

Strange that. When even the most thickheaded Dutchmen is finally getting the clue that Muslims stick together no matter what, and will accept any depravity as ok so long as a fellow Muslim perpetrates it, will whitewash Muslims' atrocities and never denounce them.
Yes, sooner or later, even the dumbest will start to wonder wether we have ANYTHING in common at all.

Read BBC report here

UPDATE: Iraq militants 'behead US marine'. It is not yet confirmed, but it looks like the Muslim Psychopaths did it again. I guess his US Marine uniform outweighed his Lebanese Muslim descent.

My thoughts are with his family, and I hope he lives yet and gets to go home.


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