Sunday, September 05, 2004

Master of moral relativism

Arun Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma visited Israel recently. India and Israel are on good terms lately, but Arun would have done better staying at home.
He saw the mandatory visit at Yad VaShem as an opportunity to lecture Israel on its attitudes towards security and selfdefense.
Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance against an oppressor is surely one of the most admirable political phenomena of the 20th century. Yet ultimately his success lay in his choice of oppressor. Say what you will about the British, they regarded themselves as basically decent and, faced with Gandhi's challenge, they ultimately backed down.

The Nazi, Soviet, Khmer Rouge, and Hutu genocidists never allowed the passivity of their victims to slow them down, not for a minute. When Gandhi's grandson, Arun Gandhi, recently visited Yad Vashem, it would have been fair-minded of him to reflect upon this distinction. Instead he took the opportunity to lecture the Jews on their mistakes: "We got rid of Hitler but not the philosophy of hate that still threatens and strikes," he admonished.
This idiot really feels he has anything valid to say on the subject.Just because he has some of the blood of his legendary grandfather, doesn't mean he's not a retard.
It's hard to know where to begin when someone implies that Zionism resembles Nazism as an ideology of hate. When someone stands at Yad Vashem and says that the practice of Zionism is akin to the persecution Jews suffered in Europe, he has opened an unbridgeable chasm between his version of events and the historical truth.

When Arun Gandhi says that the barrier Israel is building in the West Bank is worse than Palestinian suicide bombings, his listener can only reflect morosely on the devastation of moral thinking that is so common in our generation.
And if only he were an exception. It has become so common to equate anything perceived as evil to Hitler, the Nazi's and the Holocaust, particularly when the "evil" is committed by Israel. Kind of like "now you're doing exactly what those bad people did to you. See, you are no better". But here's a gem from the Post article:
There has never been a chapter of human persecution more horrific than the Holocaust. It was preceded by many centuries of intermittent persecution of the Jews, some of it severe, much of it prolonged. And yet, in spite of endless provocation, the Jews were never "ground into dust," to use Gandhi's description of the Palestinians under Israeli rule; and although they must have felt intense frustration, they never preferred death with their tormentor's children, over life. No matter how much the Jews were persecuted, they never produced suicide murderers.
This is a key point. If anyone ever dares to attempt (again) that whatever Arabs ("Palestinians") do, its cause is their oppression by the Jews, point to this (apart from the fact that other Arabs and Mulsims behave as barbaric. Do they have generations of oppression by the Jews as an excuse?).
Morality is about decisions, not circumstances. Decisions made by adults, who could have decided otherwise had they so chosen. The Nazis launched the murder of the Jews at the moment of their greatest triumph, not in their dark years after World War I. While we do not equate the Palestinians with the Nazis, the Palestinian campaign of suicide murders began in the early years of the Oslo process as Yitzhak Rabin was leading the Israelis out of Palestinian territories, not during the preceding decades of Israeli control.
Conclusion: Arabs will regard compromise as weakness (which it is in this case), and you will get nothing but hatred from them. Bring them low, and they might actually listen to you. Israel has tried both approaches many times by now. It takes a Peres or someone equally moronic to ignore the lessons drawn.

Master of moral relativism


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